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Spiritual Direction Internship Initiative
Empowering people through personal, professional and spiritual enrichment
Spiritual Direction Internship Initiative
Spiritual Direction Internship Initiative
SDII Application Form
Enrichment Programs
Spiritual Exercises Revisited
Individual and Group Supervision for Directors
A “Refresher” Series for Spiritual & Retreat Directors
Spiritual Exercises Illuminated
Directed Retreats
The Spiritual Exercises Of St. Ignatius Of Loyola
Individual Spiritual Direction
Individual Spiritual Direction
Application for Individual Spiritual Direction
About us
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Spiritual Direction Internship Initiative
Empowering people through personal, professional and spiritual enrichment
Navigation Menu
Navigation Menu
Spiritual Direction Internship Initiative
Spiritual Direction Internship Initiative
SDII Application Form
Enrichment Programs
Spiritual Exercises Revisited
Individual and Group Supervision for Directors
A “Refresher” Series for Spiritual & Retreat Directors
Spiritual Exercises Illuminated
Directed Retreats
The Spiritual Exercises Of St. Ignatius Of Loyola
Individual Spiritual Direction
Individual Spiritual Direction
Application for Individual Spiritual Direction
About us
Helpful Resources
Contact Us
Help Us Help You
Application for a (Virtual) Directed Retreat
If you are interested in a scheduled retreat being offered by a particular retreat center, you have to follow directives for and apply directly to that specific retreat center. If you are interested in a teleconferencing retreat (Zoom, Facetime, phone), please indicate your choice in the shaded row below and, if you are unavailable during those times, please mention some time frames that are possible for you. We will see if they are possible or negotiable. Dates TBD. Costs: $40/45-60 minute session
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
(Street Address, City, State, Zip Code)
Phone number
Email address
Contact person in case of emergency
(Name and phone number)
Date of birth
Religious denomination
Diocesan priest
Religious sister
Religious brother
Religious priest
(Select all that apply)
Virtual Retreat Dates Desired:
Please mention any preference(s) you have regarding a director, type "NONE".
Have you made a directed retreat before?
If yes, please mention how frequently and the sites of your more recent retreats.
How have your most recent retreats impacted your life? .
Please comment briefly on your experience of spiritual direction.